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Welcome to the Sarasota-Manatee Democratic Party Jewish Caucus!

Are you interested in promoting Jewish voices within Sarasota and Manatee area Democratic Party? Are you looking to discuss critical issues with elected officials and candidates? Do you want to help elect candidates whose values are consistent with yours? 



Hospital Board News:


Two Democratic candidates have announced their candidacy for the Sarasota County Hospital Board. John Lutz of Englewood and Dr. George Davis of Venice represent work by the Sarasota County Democratic Party (SCDP) to prevent the effort of ‘health freedom’ Republican officials to discredit and privatize Sarasota Memorial Hospital, as reported by NPR on Dec. 21, 2022. 

”Our support of these two outstanding candidates, both with decades of professional medical experience, stands in sharp contrast to the extremist Republican-backed candidates who were elected in 2022 after questioning the effectiveness of vaccines and spreading medical misinformation,” said SCDP Chair Daniel Kuether.

“Sarasota Memorial Hospital has long been recognized as one of the leading medical institutions in Florida,” Kuether added. “Its governing board needs to be made up of responsible people committed to providing patients with sound medical treatment instead of conspiracy theories and quack medicine. The Republican Party of Sarasota County has failed the community by putting forth candidates that did not have Sarasota’s interests at heart.”

Citizens for Healthcare Excellence

They need our support - financially and to SHOW UP and to spread the word!

Citizens for Healthcare Excellence (CFHE) is a non-partisan nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to helping maintain the excellent healthcare services provided by Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

While providing excellent care to everyone in our community, Sarasota Memorial is also the health-care safety net, delivering the lion’s share of the county’s inpatient Medicaid and charity care to our most vulnerable.

Sarasota Memorial offers Southwest Florida’s best inpatient, outpatient and extended care services. As private hospitals have eliminated services over the years or chosen not to offer essential programs, Sarasota Memorial continues to provide necessary services.



Did you see this news:

We have officially changed our name to embrace and impact Manatee County!!  

Our hearts break with and for our brothers and sisters in Israel.  There are many worthy organizations that would appreciate your support.

Magen David Adom, 1st responders

International Red Cross

Soroka Medical Center (Negev region)

Our Jewish Federation


Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023 in the Sarasota Herald Tribune.  This guest column was provided by the board of the Sarasota County Democratic Party Jewish Caucus

We must speak out against antisemitism in Sarasota, across Florida 

Students of history know that Adolf Hitler came to power, in part, because of the lie that Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in World War I. Sadly, we see a strong similarity with what is happening in America today.

We see parts of America embracing the lies that everything is 'the Jews’ fault' – the demise of Elon Musk’s 'X,' COVID, conspiracies about 'globalists' and George Soros, etc. The Sarasota County Democratic Party Jewish Caucus strongly condemns, denounces and decries all forms of antisemitism. It has no place in our communities.

In Sarasota, the Jewish community has been attacked because of our religion. It was not that long ago that Temple Emanu-El and Temple Sinai in Sarasota were vandalized with swastikas and other despicable graffiti.

And the year 2022 brought increased incidents of antisemitism across Florida, including 21 in Sarasota County, 26 in Hillsborough County, 28 in Duval County and 21 in Pinellas County.

Nationwide, other disturbing acts of antisemitism in recent memory include:

The hostage situation at Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. The attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh where 11 Jews were killed. The mass shooting at Chabad of Poway synagogue near San Diego.

What is responsible for this explosion of hate and prejudice? When lies replace reality and white supremacists and other far-right antisemitic fringe groups are encouraged to emerge from the shadows, the consequences are predictable – and it is not only Jewish citizens who are targets. It is time for all Americans to forcefully, loudly and completely reject these lies which foment hatred. It is also time to reject the politicians who spread these lies.

Speak out whenever you are exposed to antisemitism. We cannot and will not allow history to repeat. Hatred can only be extinguished when good people forcefully condemn it.


Ways to Get Involved:

Founded in 2017, Activate America empowers volunteers to help elect Democrats and defeat MAGA extremists in Congress.

During the 2022 midterm election cycle, Activate America volunteers made 10 million voter contacts at a cost of just above 10 cents per contact, a bargain for democracy! This election cycle, we’re all in to hold the Senate and flip the House from red-to-blue.

Postcards, phone banking and texting are easy to do from home.

Local Events and Activities:

Sarasota County Democrats

Manatee County Democrats

They have events and volunteer opportunities galore!



Take advantage of resources we collected to help you take meaningful actions towards political progress.


School Board Elections 2024

The August 2024 school board elections are extremely important for the future of our county's children.  In the age of book banning, conspiracy theories, and attacks by Governor DeSantis on school boards, it is vital to come out strong for the best candidates.  

Antisemitic hate in Sarasota

The Sarasota-Manatee County Democratic Party Jewish Caucus and the Sarasota County Democratic Party strongly condemn and denounce all forms of antisemitism. It has no place in our community.




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