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"Lessons from Ian, Now What?"  December 2022

Bob Bunting, the founder, Chairman and CEO of the locally based Climate Adaptation Center.

It’s an independent, non-profit whose mission is to bridge the gap between the latest scientific research and the public’s understanding of our changing climate and how it impacts where we live.

Bob is a scientist, entrepreneur, technology start-up expert, and educator. He has worked in government, industry, and the academic world.  He was a forecaster for the National Weather Service and scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

As an educator, Bob has taught at the university level both undergraduate and graduate courses in atmospheric science.  He holds BS and MS degrees in Atmospheric Science and has appeared often in the media.


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Nov. 2022   Russ Linden     What the Torah Can Teach Us about Leading Change.

Russ Linden is a management educator and author who specializes in organizational change methods.  He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Virginia and at the Federal Executive Institute.  He writes a column on management innovations for Management Insights, an online column sponsored by Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Governing Magazine.  In 2003 he was the Williams Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the State University of New York (Fredonia) School of Business.

His current teaching and consulting interests include collaboration, the human side of change, strategic thinking and acting, developing an agile and resilient culture, and crisis leadership.  For more, see his web blog: and his website

He has published numerous articles and five books. Check out Russ’s new book: Loss and Discovery: What the Torah Can Teach Us about Leading Change


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March 2022  

Insights on the situation in Ukraine from someone who knows it well.  Robert was on the ground and witnessed the birth of the nation of Ukraine.  At the time, he worked with top officials, members of minority communities, the arts and cultural communities, and foreign governments.  

He met with President George H. W. Bush and other global figures, encouraged Ukraine to become the first Soviet Republic (and first former republic) to decriminalize homosexuality, and produced the 50thCommemoration of the massacre at Babyn Yar, recently hit by Russian missile strikes.

Robert is currently the Executive Director the People’s Movement for Human Rights Learning ( that was founded in 1988 by Shulamith Koenig.  They are an independent, international, non-profit organization working on human rights in 60 countries.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the backbone of their work.  It consists of 30 key points, or Articles beginning with “All human beings are born free and equal.”

Kesten hails from New York where he was a former candidate for the 40th Senate District in 2018.   Robert Kesten for Change on Facebook for more on his current work.

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